Managing go tournaments by hand is a hard job when the number of players exceed thirty or fourty.
Happily, some programs will help you !
Designed for Swiss and Mac-Mahon tournaments. Up to 2000 players and 20 rounds.
It runs under Linux, MacOS and Windows.
OpenGotha is basically a pairing program like MacMahon or GoDraw.
But some specific features make it unique :
- It may be run in a multi-workstation environment, enabling several persons to work simultaneously
- Action on parameters is made more comfortable by an immediate update of standings, enabling fast simulation and tuning
- It supports team tournaments.
- It is open source.
Written by Luc Vannier.
Download OpenGotha
Designed for Swiss and Mac-Mahon tournaments.
Written in Java, it is platform-independent.
Written by Christoph Gerlach.
Download MacMahon
Designed for Swiss and Mac-Mahon tournaments.
Windows systems.
Written by Geoff Kaniuk.
Download GoDraw